Inspector H B Jhala of Nikol police said the accused has not yet been arrested in the case. After this, my son went with him and he made him to perform oral sex on him,” the victims’ father stated in the FIR. “My son told my wife that he was playing marbles outside the house when the accused, Jignesh Solanki, approached him and told that he had many more marbles to offer him and promised to give my son a mobile phone so that he could play games on it. She later asked their son about the video, who told her that the incident had taken place nine months ago. The victim’s father states in the FIR that he told his wife about the incident. The video shows another person filming the act, and the 14-year-old boy was also seen watching something on a mobile phone. The victim was seen performing oral sex on a 20-year-old man, who was identified as Jignesh Solanki, 20, a resident of the victim’s neighbourhood. The teenage boy’s father stated in his FIR that he was summoned to Manmohan police chowky, which is under Nikol police, and was shown a video. The video was circulated on a messaging application and ultimately reached the cops. AHMEDABAD: A 20-year-old man from the Nikol area of city allegedly made a 14-year-old boy perform oral sex on him while a third person filmed the act.